March 18th, 2017: Guest lecture by Daniel Minch "The Theology of Homo Oeconomicus - A Critical Analysis of the Anthropology in the Political Theology of Money"


The first unity of the block seminar for graduate, doctoral and habilitating students this semester took place on March 18th at Melk Abbey. Students from eleven different nations took part in the class that Daniel Minch opened with a guest lecture on his post-doc project at the department for Systematic Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Leuven. It concerns itself with the investigation of capitalism and the role that money plays in that context. Money is compared to a godlike position on the basis of theological categories and especially with reference to the theologian Schillebeeckx. Subsequently, the students presented the current evolutions of their master, doctoral and habilitation thesis projects on such different authors as Heidegger, Schelling, Pareyson, Benjamin, Deleuze, Welte, Klaus Müller, Lacan, Norbert Lesen and Michalski. Following each presentation discussions arose that served as feedback on the one hand and as an excursion into the respective topic.