Tolerance between religions and Muslims of different schools. Perspectives of the Sultanate of Oman
On March 16th, 2017, Prof. Dr. Suleiman al-Hussaini from the University Nizwa (Oman) gave a speech in lecture hall 50 of the University of Vienna. Initially, Suleiman al-Hussaini taught English, but now he holds a professorial chair in the context of which he devotes himself to topics of the history of Oman and their relevance for current issues. In his lecture Suleiman al-Hussaini showed how the coexistence of different Islamic schools of law as well as different religions is experienced in the predominantly Muslim Ibadi sultanate. Suleinman al-Hussaini ascribed the religious tolerance in the “seafaring nation” that is Oman to its geographically exposed location that encouraged encounters between different cultures and to the peaceful and consensual adoption of the religion inthe 7th century.
The event was hosted by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfram Reiss in cooperation with the research platform RaT.